Start your Free Trial

VeteranPeople support offers a 14-day trial so anyone can try and learn how easy it is to create a website using Veteran People. You get access to most of our features in the free trial. We also don’t ask for credit card information when signing up for the trial.


Upgrade to Paid Subscription

We allows you to upgrade your free trial to a paid subscription in just few simple steps. You can wait for your trial to expire or you can upgrade to the paid subscription during your free trial. We offer three flexible plans i.e. Quarterly, Monthly or Annual subscription. For any inquiry regarding domain transfer, hosting, login and account details, please fill in the form below.


Working with Kickstarter Templates

After you start your free trial or paid subscription, you get access to our WordPress powered dashboard. Simply pick any ready-to-use template and customize it according to your need. You can also easily switch templates. So, everything is easy to manage and accessible to you. The templates contain demo content and images that you can alter to make it an exclusive touch point for your business, blog or online store.


Premium Features

VeteranPeople support premium features include advanced analytics and third party integration exclusively for growing your website or online store to reach wider audience. You can enjoy our premium features by subscribing or upgrading to the Pro Plan anytime.


Seo Optimization

We covers basic SEO optimization to help your website rank higher in search engines. Our ready-to-use templates have clean codes, mobile optimized designs, user friendly experience, search engine friendly URLS and optimized speed.